2024: week 23.

monday, june 3.


I came downstairs to make dinner and found my roommate and her fiancé (!!) dancing in the kitchen, which was super sweet.

tuesday, june 4.

I worked late and went to church this day.

wednesday, june 5.


After running errands, I came home to this cardinal sitting on my mailbox, welcoming me back. Or maybe he was guarding the mail, since the door was just hanging open like that.

thursday, june 6.


I went to my friend Sarah’s house and we walked around her neighborhood and had the best chats.

This sign was sitting in her living room when I walked in, and I loved it. I’m trying to be more intentional about capturing the things that bring me joy or that I find inspiring, so I snapped a photo of it.

friday, june 7.


Again. This rock was sitting next to the register where I met a friend for coffee and it made me smile.

Not documented: getting out of work hours early and then going to the pool for the afternoon, like a proper summer Friday (even though it’s not technically summer yet).

saturday, june 8.


I ran errands on this day and loved seeing this in the fitting room of Lululemon.

sunday, june 9.


I served at church in the morning and then hung out with SJ in the afternoon. These hydrangeas in front of her house had a single bloom on each bush that we noticed when we walked out just before I left. Even though a lot of things can seem like a struggle or a work in progress, there are still really beautiful parts.