what are you looking for?
I got this wordsearch book for Christmas, and I’m obsessed.
I’m not typically into word searches, but this one is centered around a theme of “presence.” The words in the word bank string together to form a passage of scripture or an inspiring quote, so that as you search, you’re also meditating on the presence of God and what’s true.
Like I said, I’m obsessed.
I learned pretty quickly that actual word searches are not like the ones people post online with the caption, “The first three words you see will define your year.” You can’t just stare at the sea of letters and have something meaningful pop out at you – you have to look for it.
And you have to know what you’re looking for.
It’s crazy to me how quickly I’m able to find a word once I have it in mind, like my eyes somehow know exactly where to look and how to find the right string of letters in what looks like a mess of letters – even if the words are spelled out diagonally and backwards.
Or I’ll have a word in mind, and that’s when the other words start popping out at me – when I’m looking more intentionally.
Or sometimes, I’ll be staring at one corner of letters, searching. But until I have a specific word in mind, I don’t recognize how those letters are exactly the ones I’m looking or.
It’s also crazy to me how often I revert back to the fruitless method of just staring at the grid of letters, hoping something will pop out at me. I know I’m looking for certain words, but I don’t necessarily have a specific one in mind.
I’m constantly having to remind myself and ask, “What are you looking for?”
And I go back to the word bank. Because I know that once I have something specific in mind, I’ll have a better chance of finding what I’m looking for a lot faster.
Of course, as I’m searching for these words and meditating on what it means to be in the presence of God, it’s not lost on me that a life with God feels pretty similar.
For a long time, I used the “staring at the letters” method, and hoped that as I simply lived my life the best way I knew how, the things of God would come easier and pop out at me.
And sure, sometimes you can look outside and immediately be in awe and wonder at how God paints a beautiful sunrise. But more often than not, life looks a little bit more like a sea of seemingly random letters – or circumstances. It doesn’t make sense when you look at it.
I’ve learned that the real game changer is to have the things of God in mind before you look for meaning in your life or circumstances. Because that’s really when you start to recognize Him – not just in church on a Sunday, but in your everyday life, even on a Thursday.
His kindness, His glory, His purpose, His hand. He’s always there, but we don’t always know what to look for. We don’t always keep it in mind.
So here’s your Thursday reminder: What are you looking for?
Go back to scripture, the literal Word bank. When you have something specific in mind, you’ll have a better chance of finding what you’re looking for a lot faster.
The power of God is in you, even on a Thursday.