2024: week 52 + eoy.
monday, december 23.
It just occurred to me that the coffee shop I keep going to now (because it’s so close to my house) is called steadfast. What a word for the place where I go to work on writing a book.
Started this. I pulled it out of my bag and thought, “Oh, I forgot a bookmark.” But then I opened it and this one fell out.
TBCO had our Christmas service at the Ryman this year, and because they did it on Christmas Eve eve, I decided to stay for it and fly out to be with my family after. It was so fun to get to go to my own church’s Christmas service. In ten years, I haven’t been to one.
tuesday, december 24.
We decided to do the matching pj thing this year, and I loved it so much. Not the pj’s — those fit weird. But the matching.
wednesday, december 25.
christmas day.
Christmas morning. Dad matched too! I’m pretty sure we all slept in our own pj’s and then put these on in the morning, except for maybe Jack and Olive. Is this what people normally do? Are matching pj’s just costumes or do people actually sleep in them?
We read the story of Jesus’ birth before we opened presents, and I loved that part. This year, Jack recited Isaiah 9:6 from memory, and Luca and Jack both read parts of the Bible story.
The boys got jerseys and I think they wore them every single day (at least for part of the day) after that. They loved them!
Luca has T’s reactions. As seen in this photo. If I were her, with her love of a good side-by-side, I would go back and find the photo of her opening an iPhone with this exact same reaction.
Olive got a vanity and makeup and I was pleasantly surprised to discover how gentle she is while putting on eye shadow.
thursday, december 26.
We set up Olive’s Barbie DreamHouse this day, and T and I played Banagrams.
friday, december 27.
T had a physical therapy appointment this day and Lee was working, so I hung out with the kids. This is the only photo I have, but we played Barbies, had a tea party, and played basketball with the boys.
saturday, december 28.
T and I went out to sit at a coffee shop and chat, and as evidenced by this photo, we had a really wonderful time.
After, we stopped by to see Josh, Abby, and Evie, but we didn’t snap any photos there.
sunday, december 29.
Game day. My parents came over and we played all the games.
monday, december 30.
T wanted to try curling her shorter hair with a smaller barrel curling iron, which I brought with me. I wanted to try curling my longer (but still short) hair with a larger barrel. And Olive wanted to join us with her new play curling iron. Girl party.
tuesday, december 31.
I flew back home this day, and I thought, you know what would be a great way to round out these weekly posts? A blurry photo of the sky that looks nothing like the beauty it is in real life. Seems fitting.