you don't have to know what it means.

There are things that are happening that we can’t see.

Ephesians 6:12 tells us that we aren’t fighting flesh-and-blood enemies. We’re fighting against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world.

Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as the substance of things hoped for––the evidence of things unseen.

So like, there’s a whole lot happening that we don’t see. That we literally can’t see.

In Discipleship on the Edge (on the book of Revelation), Darrell Johnson writes, “Things are not as they seem; there is more to reality than meets the unaided senses.”

I love that quote because it’s such a good reminder. I walk around all day with a level of understanding about how things seem to be, and if I’m not paying attention, I operate from that place too.

But there is a whole lot more at play. Things that I can’t see, don’t understand, and lack the language for.

I think it’s helpful to remember there are things unseen, especially because faith is the evidence that those things exist. What does it mean to have faith if we’re not also recognizing that it points to something we cannot see?

After being inspired by a podcast I heard a few years ago, I started collecting evidence. Details I notice. Words or themes that keep coming up in sermons, conversations, or passages in scripture I happen to be reading. Moments that happen.

Honestly, it’s a lot of things that, if I laid them out before you, you might look at and ask, “So what? What does that mean?”

And the truth is, I don’t know. I don’t know, in the moment, what these things might stack up to be. But I think the point is not that we know what it means, but that we believe it means something.

Last week, I wrote about posting more blogs. Why? What’s the plan? What will it become? I don’t really know. I can’t see that yet. I just know that right now, it matters that I say yes to it.

I don’t think it’s enough to simply notice things that point to the unseen, I think it requires participation. My action is like partnering with it. It’s my own arrow that says, “There is something here.” Even if I can’t name what that thing is. I believe it still matters.

I wonder if you have those things too. If you have ideas that you keep thinking about, but you’re hesitant to take steps toward because you aren’t sure what they’ll mean.

Here’s the thing. You don’t have to know what it all means. You just have to believe it’s not nothing. Say yes. That’s what faith is––the thing that points to something.

The power of God is in you, even on a Thursday.