2024: week 6.

monday, february 5.


This is the studio, as we refer to it. It’s actually a two-bedroom apartment that our company uses as a podcast studio, coworking space, and a place for our team (mainly the CEO) to stay when they come to town.

I really only come here when some of our team is in town, which was the case on Monday. It’s always such a treat when we, a fully remote team, get to see each other and work together in person.

And, as you can see, it was so sunny — and it was as warm as it looks. Which felt so glorious after that week of below-freezing temps.

tuesday, february 6.

No photos. Also no church. We kept our celebrating to Sunday. Instead, I worked on other projects after work.

wednesday, february 7.

Wednesday is my errand-running day. It’s partly because I like to keep Saturdays as my Sabbath day, and partly because I don’t love running errands on the weekend in general. That’s not to say I never run to Target on a Sunday after church, but I’ve rearranged my week so that I get things done on a day when I’m already in the work/get-things-done brain space.

thursday, february 8.


These pictures never actually do the beauty any justice, but I still take them to remember. Not what the sky really looked like at sunrise but how it — this one, in particular — literally took my breath away when I looked up and noticed it. It felt like suddenly remembering hope in the form of brilliant pink streaks across the sky.

friday, february 9.


Galentine’s breakfast-for-dinner night.

saturday, february 10.


Most of my camera roll these days is just screenshots of passages from scripture that I come across and want to come back to. When I read the whole Bible in 30 days, what I usually notice and think about are the broad-stroke themes. But thinking about the stories in this way means I end up noticing different details that might not have stuck out to me as much if I was reading verse by verse.

This time around, I keep thinking about how it’s either one way or the other. The people of God are either living their best lives, conquering land, winning battles, and experiencing abundant harvest — or they’re being conquered, taken into captivity, and dying by a plague.

The determining factor is always the same. Obedience vs disobedience.

When you’re with God, He’s with you. And when you turn away, He turns away.

Reading verse by verse can make it seem more complicated or nuanced, but it’s not.

My favorite part, though, is that whenever you seek Him, you will find Him. It doesn’t matter that you abandoned Him. It doesn’t matter what you did.

When you repent, when you turn back to Him, He is always right there. He is always waiting. He is always ready to say YES to you. No matter what.

sunday, february 11.


I served at church, did so much cleaning, and then watched the Super Bowl. That last part feels like a “pics or it didn’t happen” situation, but I have no photos to prove it. Just the bags I have under my eyes today because the game ran past my bedtime.

I’m kidding. Kind of.

Instead, here is a photo of my desk that is completely cleaned off and is giving me life as I go into a new week.