2024: week 16.

monday, april 15.

I killed two spiders before noon. Or, the second spider was actually the first one that didn’t actually die. Either way. It’s always an eventful morning when you find yourself, twice, standing on a chair to kill a spider that’s on the ceiling. Not my kinda Monday, but I survived. (And the spider(s) did not.)

tuesday, april 16.


Throwing it back to 2018, when my walls were basically wallpapered with truth written in Sharpie.

These notecards now hang above my desk because I need to reminded of what’s truth every single day. And especially on this Tuesday, which is why I snapped a photo of it while I was working.

You are closer than you think you are.

wednesday, april 17.

Honestly, I don’t remember a single thing about this day, but here’s a snippet of what I journaled about:

Therefore the Lord God sent Adam away from the Garden of Eden, to till and cultivate the ground from which he was taken. — Genesis 3:23 AMP

The note about this verse in The Passion Translation says, “We must become those who have been loosened and opened to the rain of God.”

“The ground from which he was taken.” We were made from the ground that needs tilling and cultivating. If it does, we do too. If it can grow things, we can too. But we have to do the work to become loosened and opened to the rain of God.

“The rain of God.” I love that phrasing, and the imagery. I don’t want to be hard and closed off. I want to be open and ready to receive.

thursday, april 18.

Okay, so a few months ago I noticed that The Passion Translation includes more books in the Old Testament. (!!) So obviously I jumped right in. I’ve made it so far …to Genesis 4.

Anyway, sometimes the way TPT reads makes me notice different things about God or what happened. Other times it’s the notes that get me. And, these notes!

I have just never once thought about how Eve heard what God said in Genesis 3 about her offspring, and she maybe thought it would happen sooner (like way sooner) than it actually did. I mean, it makes sense. I always think what God said would happen way sooner than it actually does.

friday, april 19.


I drove to Charlotte in the morning to make it in time for the celebration ceremony for these two completing the year at their homeschool group. Luca is dressed as Jesse Owens and delivered an excellent presentation about who that guy was and why his life is so inspiring. Jack recited a Bible verse as his favorite thing he learned this year. And they both sang a song with John 1:1–7 as the lyrics (in both English and Latin).

I’m so grateful that I was able to be there to watch and cheer them on.

saturday, april 20.


Olive had a Barbie-themed birthday party. When asked whose party it was, she said, “Barbie!” But while her words might have said it was Barbie’s party, the smile on her face at random moments throughout the party told me how much she was feeling loved. That was maybe my favorite part — noticing her face throughout the day as she was surrounded by her favorite people, doing her favorite things.

The lineup included her favorite things: coloring Barbie pictures, doing a 4-minute CrossFit workout, playing kickball, and being the first one to grab the cup in the cup game.

sunday, april 21.


Nothing says it’s a Sabbath Sunday like lifting a barbell with your hand grips while wearing your backpack and watching golf, right?

I got to go to church with T and her fam and then just hang out at her house all day.