good reads: february.
the shortest month of the year and i (probably) read the most books out of any month. (new goal: break my record of reading four books in one month.) although, it's not every day that you come across a book series that you read straight through in one week.
the hunger games trilogy, by suzanne collins
i LOVED these books. i actually wrote a whole post about it a couple weeks ago after i finished reading them. and, since i read them all so quickly and so early on in the month, i had more than enough time to read another book this month, but i liked the story so much that i didn't want to just move on to something else.
this is kind of a side note, but i think of reading like an experience. i usually like to read a chapter or two at a time so that i can fully digest what i read and then come back to it later or the next day. with the hunger games, there was no way that was an option because i was so hooked and so curious to know what was going to happen that i rushed right through them. so when i finished, i needed weeks to digest and think about (and maybe obsess over) what i had read.
big God, by britt merrick
i found out about this book months ago (like, last year) when i came across the
. britt merrick is daisy's dad and he wrote this book and i decided that i wanted to read it. the full title is big God: what happens when we trust Him and it's about hebrews 11 and the people in the bible who are noted for having great faith. each chapter discusses a specific person and an element of what it means to have faith. for example, there's a chapter on faith waiting and it links to the story of sarah (and abraham–although he gets his own chapter).
the book makes some good points and it's definitely a good read if you're looking for a book on faith. honestly, i thought i would like it more than i did, but who knows. i may re-read it in five years and discover things i didn't pick up the first time. that happens to me almost every time i re-read a book.