charlotte / the one where...


this trip to charlotte was like an episode of friends, with a thousand alternative titles.

the one where T and i woke up early one day to have the most legit photo shoot we've ever had (and we've had our share of photo shoots). more on that later, but in between outfits, i snuck in time with these sleepy, peanut butter-faced babies (who are like, not even babies anymore).

the one where jack started drawing on a magne-doodle and was THRILLED about each new mark he made. luca loves drawing and jack loves luca, so. monkey see; monkey do.

the one where jack was my bff. he followed me around in the mornings. he helped me make my coffee by filling the tea kettle and grinding the beans. he pulled up a chair beside me. he let me put him to bed at night (which, from what i hear, he keeps a pretty strict mama-only policy on that).

the one where J and abby moved to charlotte. !!!


the one where it was father's day.

the one where my dad smiled appropriately for photos.

the one with the backseat selfies.

the one with the science museum and the tyrannosaurs exhibit.


the one where jack went ALL IN with the dinosaurs and then couldn't hang for the ride home.

the one with pool day no.1

the one where luca and i brushed our teeth together.


the one with pool day no.2


the one where these longtime bffs were reunited as "neighbors."

the one where jack was ...jack.
