life at the beginning of august looked very little like life at the end of august. which is to say, the beginning looked very much like business as usual and then somewhere around mid-august, when my job ended, things shifted and sped up and the end looked more like a flurry of to-do lists.
if the beginning of the year was resting and waiting for the things i knew would be coming, august was the month of movement.
and, actually, it's now mid-september as i write (and backdate this post) because things haven't slowed down. isn't that always how the second half of the year goes?
august happenings.
i said goodbye to the boy i nanny.
i said hello to finn, my friend's fluffy puppy (who is so much bigger already).
i went to a show. and saw jaymes young.
i went to a writing workshop. with ally fallon.
i visited charlotte.
i visited connecticut.