a little salty to cut the sweet : sophie hudson.

at first, i was a little thrown off by the family tree outlined in the first few pages. i guess i just figured that someone who blogs as 'boo mama' would write more stories about being a mama in her book, but it was more about her past and her family and writing down memories. you would think that type of thing wouldn't be interesting to read, especially since i don't even regularly follow her blog, but she writes in a way that makes it seem like she's speaking to you from the page. it's hilarious and engaging, and why i read through the entire thing in a matter of days.

you know, i'm a big fan of blogs and i spent a considerable amount of time reading about other people's lives on the internet, but most of the time, while what i read is enjoyable the first time around, i wouldn't necessarily go back and read it again. they're memories i'm sure that person will love to look back on, but they're not my memories. once is enough.

but this book? i finished the last chapter and found myself flipping back to a few others i quite liked - enough to read them again. this book felt more like a book of well told stories than just a book of someone else's memories.

bookssarah squiresComment