2024: week 7.

monday, february 12.


Honestly, I think my camera roll is an accurate reflection of my week this week, and it’s mostly screenshots of things that caught my attention as I’m reading through scripture.

When I finished my daily reading this week, I didn't just see what else I could fit into my day, I just sat with what I’d read. I did my normal things — I worked, I went to church. But the rest of my time went to reading, reflecting, and journaling. And not necessarily in big, profound, life-shifting ways. It’s more like, something caught my attention and I just gave it space.

On this day, while reading through Job, it caught my attention — as Job was in the midst of verbally processing and trying to reconcile what was happening to him with who he knew God to be (which honestly sounds pretty familiar) — he asked the question, basically, “If God is not the one who is causing all these terrible things to happen to me, then who is?” And it occurred to me that Job doesn’t know about satan.

The story starts, for us, with a conversation between God and satan, the accuser. We know that God points out Job for how he fears God. We know that God gives satan permission (and boundaries) to do these things and test Job. We know Job doesn’t know about that conversation. But Job isn’t just unaware of the conversation, he’s unaware that there is someone God would have that conversation with.

That detail changes the way I read, understand, and think about that whole story.

tuesday, february 13.


I highlighted this passage for the line, “My tongue is like the pen of a skillful poet.”

But also, what is “Lilies” and what is its tune? This psalm is from the descendants of Korah? Like the guy who rebelled so badly that the earth literally swallowed him up, along with his followers?

wednesday, february 14.

During our mid-week check-in meeting at work, our team decided to send each other “valentine’s” — because why do grown-ups not do that? Someone said to just take it as an opportunity to say the nice things that we think about each other but don’t always take a moment to say on a regular day. It was honestly so fun to send and receive random, kind messages throughout the day.

Wednesday is still my errand-running day. So after work, I ran some errands and got adjusted. Right after I signed in at the chiropractor, a friend who I hadn’t seen in a while came in behind me. It was such a treat to get to catch up with her while we waited for our turns.

thursday, february 15.


And yet.

One handful with quietness.

NASB says it like this: One hand full of rest is better than two fists full of labor and striving after wind.

Don’t forget to rest. Don’t forget that rest and labor go together.

friday, february 16.


Just noting that the way is not steep and rough. God smooths out the path.

Which reminds me of Proverbs 3:6 — how He makes our paths straight.

For the righteous. For those who trust Him with all their hearts, who lean not on their own understanding, who acknowledge Him in all their ways.

Honestly, this caught my attention for the moments when the path does not feel smooth or straight.

saturday, february 17.


My friends host a coffee pop-up once a month where they open their home, make coffee drinks, and have treats and snacks and community. They’ve been doing it for months (and they’re so legit with that stamp on their cups!), but I haven’t been able to go until this month. It was so fun, such good conversation, and a reminder that not everything has to be a big thing. Like making coffee for people doesn’t have to be a coffee shop, a coffee cart, or a business at all. You can just open your kitchen and invite people in.

sunday, february 18.


The book of Jeremiah is basically him telling the people they’re going into exile and what God is saying about it, and the people choosing to listen to other “prophets” who say otherwise. I remember reading (also in Jeremiah) that you’ll know who is a true prophet when what they say actually happens — that’s how you’ll know.

But this line — I hadn’t noticed it before. How do you know someone hears from the Lord? How do you hear from the Lord? You have to be in His presence for that to happen. You have to be listening.

It feels obvious to say, but sometimes it’s easy to forget that hearing from God requires something of us. It’s not even because He’s being high maintenance. That’s just how it works — communication and relationships. I text with friends all the time, but when I really want to know how they’re doing, I take the time to call them or sit with them. I create space for it.

A single text can be nice but also disruptive. When you intentionally create space for a conversation, you’re establishing this is what we’re here for. Your attention is focused. The same is true with God.